₹ Loans to NRI by Resident Indian

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T&C under FEMA regulations:

πŸ“Œ The loan should be free of interest and the minimum maturity of the loan should be one year.

πŸ“Œ The loan amount should be within the overall limit under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme per financial year. 

πŸ“Œ Repayment of loan shall be made by way of inward remittances from outside India or by debit to the #NRO / #NRE / #FCNR(B) account of the borrower or out of the sale proceeds of securities or properties against which such loan was granted.

Find more at ☎️ https://fema.ozg.in

Are you violating FEMA due to Ignorance?

To discuss your case, you can schedule your Tele-Appointment with #Ozgians to save your precious time and hard-earned money on #FEMAviolation / RBI penalty and Enforcement Directorate related matters.

T-Appointment Fee: ₹3880 

Email ✉️ ask@fema.in 

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